Vermona Melodicer Stochastic Pattern Generator
The Vermona Melodicer is a stochastic pattern generator that uses probability to generate melodies and rhythms – it’s a great way to make generative music that is ever changing. There are two primary modes, dice and real-time. Dice mode creates a melody and holds it until a new rhythm or melody is seeded into memory using the dice buttons. Real-time mode continuously generates random patterns based on the current settings. The 12 sliders each have an associated note, and turning up that slider will increase the probability that the corresponding note will be played. Note value sets the clock division from whole to 32nd notes. Melodicer has both an internal clock and the ability to be clocked from an external source.
Variation sets the length of the played notes while Rest sets the probability that a rest or pause is introduced into the sequence. Legato adds slew to the sequence, sliding between one note and the next. Sequences can be up to 16 steps long and feature user definable start and end points for the steps. Lock holds the current control settings until you turn it off, allowing you to cue up changes in your sequences. Save and recall up to 16 sequences which save the current settings and allow you to make iterations on a single idea by subtly changing the parameters. Melodicer includes two CV and two gate inputs to affect the settings depending on what mode is currently active. Melodicer is a unique and complex sequencer with an interface that rewards exploration and provides hours of fun and engaging results.
Foolproof User Interface meets Extensive Capabilities
The module’s algorithms generate random values that magically turn into musical events only through your defaults. MeloDICER has a well-thought-out set of control elements that makes it easy for you to conduct rhythm and melody in any wanted direction. It doesn’t matter if you are a music theory genius or if you never heard of triplets, ties, and the like. Just take a look at the module’s surface and start playing with meloDICER. Yes, it’s that simple.
Is the Die really cast?
MeloDICER continuously generates rhythms and melodies in realtime-mode or repeats them as patterns in dice-mode. Or do you want something in between? No problem. Set the module to play a looped rhythm while the melody randomly changes or vice versa.
Shift start and endpoints of the pattern to get even more variation and complexity.
Melodies for Eternity
Do you like what you diced? MeloDICER offers 16 memory spaces for your creations. But instead of saving resulting patterns, it memorizes all random values and control settings that lead to a certain rhythm-melody-combination. Thus you can always alter stored patterns and turn them into something completely new.
MeloDICER and the Outside World
MeloDICER comes with two CV and two GATE inputs to modulate and trigger various parameters. Use it to alter certain aspects of your pattern or to expand randomness and chaos with external modules. The stochastic engine ensures that any changes are always valuable and musical.
Like a Swiss Clockwork
The internal clock generator works super-stable and tight. You can access all parameters at any time, and meloDICER instantly adapts any adjustment: no delay, no stumble, and no need for stopping the sequencer. Use the module like a musical instrument and create rhythm and melodies that perfectly harmonize with your performance.
- Eurorack module
- Stochastic sequencer
- Probability per note 0-100% variable
- Rests percentage adjustable
- Fixed note dividers with variation
- Definable step length
- Tap Tempo
- 16 memory locations
- Random mode
- Quantiser function
- 34 TE width