TipTop Audio ZDSP Chorus Cartridge
Effect cartridge for the Z-DSP containing eight chorus effect which beautifully thicken and animate the sound, from slow and genlte modulations to fast wobbles. They are superb for converting mono to stereo or a stere widening. Due to the different feedback possibilities of the Z-DSP impressive drones can be created which are stereo and have a specific chorus touch.
The eight algorithms are inspired by various classic, analog chorus effects.
he delay times of the chorus programs on this effect card are generally in the range of 18 to 24 milliseconds which equals times of professional studio units. The program Dual Flanger uses shorter times, though.
For modulating the delay time internal LFOs, quadrature LFOs and random generators are used which provide for stereo movement. The LFOs rate (0.6 to >6Hz) and modulation intensity (<1ms to >20ms) can be adjusted.
The chorus sound is being intensified by external feedback which, at high values, resembles the sound of a small room reverb. Dual Flanger has an internal feedback.
It is generally recommended to use both inputs simultaneously, even with mono signals – just split the signal with a Stackcable, and to use both outputs of course for the stereo effect.
- Dual Chorus: independent chorus lines for L and R, each si modulatoed with an own sinewave LFO.Depth sets modulation intensity.
- Dimension ?: two chorus lines being modulatoed by one common triangle LFO. Its speed is controlled with Rate. Depth sets modulation intensity, HPF the cutoff frequency of the high pass filter.
- Ensemble: classic effekt of old string machines where a fast and a slow LFO modulate at the same time. Works good with a mono signal and 100% effect. Vibrato sets modulation intensity, HPF the highpass’ cutoff.
- 6 Voice Chorus: six delays which are controlled by two LFOs with independent rate controls. Depth dials in the modulation.
- Dual Flange: like program 1 yet with shorter delay times and internal feedback (positive and inverted). Only the 1st LFO’s rate can be controleld but the depth of both LFOs.
- Diffuse Chorus: independent chorus lines for L and R which are built with allpass delays. Soundwise the program resembles the reverb of a small room and this effect can be enhanced with feedback. Controllable are LFO rate and depths as well as highpass cutoff.
- Random Chorus 4 Voice: four chorus lines, two per channel, modualted by ‘random walk’ generators i.e. working with random. Rate and depth of modulation are adjustable as well as high pass filter’s cutoff.
- Tri Stereo Chorus: three delays, panned to left, center and right. Each delay is modulated by one output of a quadrature LFO. Very wide stereo effect. Once again rate, modualtion intensity and the highpass filter’s cutoff are adjustable.