TipTop Audio Z8000 Matrix Sequencer Eurorack Sequencer Module
Tiptop Z8000 Matrix Sequenzer
The Z8000 is a versatile and compact modulation source package based on ten separate sequencers which share 16 potentiometers. When you combine the sequencer rows with each other interesting and living sequences can be generated. If you turn one potentiometer, this can affect all ten sequences!
The ten sequencers are as follows:
Four 4 step CV sequencers on the horizontal.
Four 4 step CV sequencers on the vertical.
One 16 step CV sequencer on the horizontal.
One 16 step CV sequencer on the vertical.
The Z8000 can simultaneously modulate up to 10 CV parameters poly-rhythmically, with unprecedented motion complexity. One knob affects all 10 CV outputs! Imagine modifying 10 parameters from one knob. With its 30 gate and clock inputs and 10 CV outputs one can only imagine the possibilities, and all clock inputs can even be driven at audio rates! The Z8000 pairs well with the Trigger Riot and Circadian Rhythms and using it with the QuantiZer extends its capabilities as a high-precision 1V/Oct note sequencer.
Introduced in 2017, a new version of the Z8000 maintains the original circuitry but adds output range adjustment switches on the back and Tiptop’s new colored look, which helps highlight the sections, on the front.