The Sun Is High
“Feon has a few things he’d like to say about this EP – “I wrote these tracks in a manic ten-day session, shortly after an unravelling ayahuasca ceremony, which is evidenced in the psychedelic sound of the first track in particular. Upon reflection there is something of a primal quality to “The Sun Is High”, we were all sun worshippers at one point in our ancient history. The vocals are my voice stacked thirty odd times in different harmonies, then put through a space echo, and they’re followed by some gratuitous Moog noodling to boot! For use at the beach party.
The flip goes into darker more experimental territory, with “Holland Fly By” taking clear inspiration from an old iMPLOG track, and “Without Sound” getting stranger still, the vocal refrain’s mournful, tense landscape interrupted by boisterous drums.
Its a real joy and honour that I can add something to the Optimo sound world as it is one that has given me great pleasure over the years.”