MOTO presents MOTO, the debut solo release from Turkish gearhead Boëthius. The producer and sound designer (whose work has appeared on NTS, Los Angeles label Tar and in sets from the likes of Laurel Halo, Endgame, Acre and Prison Religion) is determined to re-animate “post-club” music’s disassembled limbs. MOTO’s five tracks twist at breakneck speed, combining rattling beats with head-flipped samples, shape-shifting through IDM angularity into sudden bursts of noise.
The burning tyres and revved up engines of blustering opener Nitro suggest box fresh escapades into the unknown. 4Loko doubles down on this hedonistic spirit, its slow-burning bass and skitzo hi-hats bringing an intoxicating decadence to the track’s euphoric core. Where the masterful clashes of metal and ringtones of I Don’t seem to be transmitted directly from the future, the viscous Velvet High Heels dismantles its hauntological premises one bullet at a time. By the time club-smashing closer Stretched Out, Almost There hits, MOTO’s accelerating moods will have you transfixed and transformed.
Literally terabytes of bodyspam gush from my cleavered gut contorting and hurling a harsh beige pumping swirl of bile and chunks that blow into a gash of nicely printed paper bagging under my chin like a bib FLY EMIRATES a thin chord of acid dribble stringing from my lip. Mate. It’s a cold tight cold feeling with a clingy close bubble of hugging close silvery shiver effect that sticks around my ribs, up the spine etc etc and you can’t expect me to sit around on the runway like some lemon I’ve got disposable income, looking down I find a freshly lost brown leather wallet and rifle through it, a stack of nearly complete loyalty cards Pret, Nero, Itsu and many more as well as a Monzo card, i press the service buzzer and order a Heineken.