Modor Noisy Oscillator Eurorack Module
The Oscillator derives its voice architecture through two layers of waveforms. The first is a classical “Regular” wave that can be selected from sawtooth, square, and triangle. The second is referred to as a “Tonal Noisy” wave. These two tones are layered on top of each other to create dense textures of sound.
Key Features
- 2 sound sources for complex oscillation
- CV inputs doubled for both voices, allowing duophonic operation
- Standard oscillator with saw, square, and triangle waveshapes
- Noisy oscillator with three modes of operation
- Sonar Noise mode: white noise filtered by a 1V/Oct resonant bandpass filter with CV control of resonance
- Wind Noise: white noise passed through a comb filter with 1V/Oct delay time tracking wit ha 6dB/Oct hipass filter
- Arcade Noise: LFSR noise a la C-64/Sega, with 6dB/Oct hipass filter
The Noisy Oscillator module is an oscillator that mixes two signals: a ‘regular’ wave (sawtooth/square/triangle) and a ‘tonal noisy’ wave. This adds a special noisy layer over the sound, that adds ‘air’, grit or dirt, depending on the combinations you make. The MOD parameter acts on the noisy waveforms:
- Sonar Noise: a white noise filtered by a resonant bandpass filter, with 1V/oct tracking of the filter frequency. The MOD parameter controls the resonance.
- Wind Noise: white noise filtered by a comb filter, with 1V/oct tracking of the base frequency (delay). The MOD parameter controls a 6dB/oct hipass filter.
- Arcade Noise: LFSR noise source as can be found on the SID soundchips (Commodore) or Sega Arcade games. The MOD parameter controls again a 6dB/oct hipass filter.
The noisy wave can be set equal, or 1 or 2 octaves above the regular wave.
The module has two voices, with their own set of CV and output connectors. This can be used to play in a full 2-voice polyphony, or in a 2-voice unison. The outputs can be separate, using both output connectors, or mixed, using only the connector of the second voice.
Next to the 1V/oct pitch CV, the module offers CV control over pitch (FM), the MOD parameter and the sound level:
- FM CV: pitch control normalled to 0V, attenuated with the FM knob (+ and -). This allows for Frequency Modulation up to the lower audio range. It’s of course a digital module, so higher frequencies can start inducing aliasing and digital artefacts.
- MOD CV: CV control for the MOD parameter, normalled to 0V and attenuated with the CV AMT knob (+ and -).
- LEVEL CV: CV control for the sound volume, normalled to 7.5V. With this CV control you can omit an external VCA stage if you want.
The CV signals of the second voice (upper row of connectors) are always normalled to the signal of the first voice (lower row), so you can use a single LFO for some FM vibrato or tremolo on both voices, for example. Only the V/oct connector of the second voice is normalled to the first voice with an extra addition of a fixed voltage that can be set using a trimmer at the backside of the module. This way you can use the 2 voices to play in unison with a fixed pitch separation you can set on the backside.