Golden Days
Golden Days is the late completion of Ethimm’s EP trilogy on Light of Other Days and it continues exactly where the group left off 4 years ago. What started as the groups signature „tension music“, oscillating between dark repetition and moody improvisations is slowly morphing into a production style that features a heavy pop sensibility infused with conciliatory optimism.
The opener and title track of the EP recounts the meeting of a new lover in an autumn sunset. Starting with dreamy piano chords, a rhythmic bass and handclaps, it provides a beautiful musical backdrop for Tizi’s longing voice. During the course of the track, modulating synths and plucked guitars join her vocals as she sings about the „Golden Days“ spent with her lover.
Over & Out starts off in typical Ethimm fashion. Dubbed guitars, minimal beats and a sparse piano melody sets the tone for Elisabeth Thimm’s fragile vocal. In Over & Out Elisabeth negotiates her wish for freedom and how she breaks with her daily constraints. Albeit initially being drained in melancholy, the track ends on a musically hopeful note when a beautiful chord progression suddenly appears, colliding with an extended synth solo from outer space.
On Echoes in the Distance, glorious arpeggios accompany a sophisticated 303-style bass line and haunting vocals. The track follows one of Elisabeth’s dreams into a frantic, nondescript, deserted backdrop and slowly morphes into the most ecstatic piece of the EP. The multi-layered arrangement combined with Ethimm’s yearning voice on top, sound like about 3 tracks seamlessly sticked together. The track ends in pure ecstasy and the listener is left with the exciting feeling of wanting more.
The EPs finale is made up of the hopeful and minimalistic Day by Day, a track reminiscent of the balearic pop from the 1980ies. Gracefully and drained in beachside sunshine, Ethimm reminds us not to waste our days with unnecessary actions and focus on the beautiful small things in life.