Expressive E Touché
The design of Touché starts with an interface that is both sensitive and intuitive. The wooden skin of Touché reacts to the smallest vibration, the lightest pressure that you apply to it. It’s so reactive that you can play by swiping your fingers lightly across its wooden surface, and you’ll hear the sound change instantly. It feels natural and gives you a powerful connection with your music.
Knobs and faders are great for shaping your sound, but can be limiting when it comes to performing. Touché gives you an expressive way to control your hardware synthesizers, by directly linking your hand’s movements to the sound. Whether it’s a with a simple filter cutoff or a complex, multi-parameter setup. Found at the heart of every modular setup as well as in standalone synthesizers, control voltage connectivity combines strong reliability with convenience. Touché has four independent CV outputs, which means that you can control up to four different parameters at the same time with a clean and pure analog signal. You can also connect Touché to your instruments with its built-in MIDI output, and configure which Control Changes* Touché sends with Lié. It works the same as with software instruments, in a unified, simple workflow. Once you’re done, you can even save that configuration right into Touché’s internal memory.
Without its companion software, Touché behaves as a standard MIDI controller, sending one CC for each shifting. It offers the ideal tactile input to modular DSP platforms like Max and PureData, and works with any mobile application allowing external MIDI control. You can even control sound and light simultaneously. Whether you’re building your dream synth or setting up your next artistic installation, playing with Touché will give you a unique sonic experience.