Bend Your Standards EP
Two one-man band projects meet together on the very first Global Warming various record : The cold-blooded Scottish sound-ingeneer Sordid Sound System and mysterious Spanish hedonist Sutja Gutierrez. Deeply rock-rooted and drug-infused, this futuristic western soundtrack opens with ‘The Void’, a arid dub jam, heavily hallucinogenic and ‘Meanwhile, When Times Turn Bad’, schizophrenic punk jam both recorded from Sordid Sound System’s redwood forests new studio on Northern California. On the other side, the lone ranger Sutja Gutierrez takes us to a dystopian horse ride into shady woods and grey plains, with ‘Everything Leads To An End’ and ‘Beheaded Angels’, two sensible journey, blending goofy drums, creepy synths layers, heady weird vocals and binary guitars for a unique and mighty melancholic mood.