Befaco BF-033 Percall
Percall is a percussive oriented module that will shape four different sound sources into percussive sounds.
Percall has four VCAs with dedicated decay envelopes and a mixer, so you can prepare a percussion submix. Added strength input will provide extra dynamics to the sounds!
To round up the module, audio inputs are normaled from one to two and from three to four, spicing them up with choke control. This allows for the creation of open and closed Hats or kind of side-chained basslines with your kick!
- Four VCAs with dedicated decay envelope.
- CV control over envelope decays.
- Individual outputs for each envelope
- Volume control per channel and normaled Mix out.
- Strenght input affecting all four channels.
- Audio Input 1 normaled to Input 2. Audio input 3 normaled to input 4.
- Choke controls, binding Channel one with two and three with four.