Animal Factory Amplification Baron Samedi – Fuzz/Distortion Module
Not just a Eurorack version of the beloved Baron Samedi Fuzz Pedal, but a very versatile sound mangling unit in its own right.
With modifications that allow it to be used with modular level signals, the Baron Samedi module can act like a waveshaper or a saturator – but add CV and all bets are off. The LIFE CV deepens or flattens the notch of the tone control, the DEATH CV adds PWM-like textural manipulation, going from very quiet to very loud in the process, and the BURIAL CV acts as a gate of sorts. Some extremely unique, somewhat ring modulation-like sounds can be had when feeding audio-range signals into the DEATH and BURIAL CV inputs. It goes without saying that there is a lot of merit in running CV into all three inputs simultaneously for maximum sonic mayhem.
With this updated version and after a lot of research, AFA gave up trying to figure out what exactly this module does. In the process of their investigations, however, they succeeded in making this module even wilder and weirder than it already was.
It chirps, shrieks, growls, distorts, defecates, destroys and does other such wonderful things to whatever pristine sounds you sacrifice to it. Absolute chaos under your CV control. For those who are looking to open all the wrong sonic doors on their way to the afterlife, look no further.
The module would not be complete without a dry/wet blend knob, useful both as a performance tool and to fine tune the amount of textural distortion desired.