Rat Shaped Leaf
Fedka makes his Don’t debut but has been very much part of the family going back nearly 20 years.
The vinyl on this one is ultra limited, just 100 copies so be quick !
It’s his ideas and musical pedigree that make his music stand out and sound like no one else on earth. Never taking the easy route and injecting each production with his own wry humour. The beats ooze funk and the Melodies are always catchy with production that’s full of edits and tricks. An antidote.
This EP has all the Fedka hallmarks; Eccentric riffs and huge basslines colliding with epic 3D chords that skid around on playfully sleazy beats, all inside a Techno framework that references the classic era of ‘wonky’ Techno whilst bringing it right up to date and into the future.
Mastered by fellow Pest band member, Ben Pest.