you just give in, giving it all to the wind
As deep as it comes, two unwinding cuts of beautiful deep house..
Hand scrubbed textured record sleeve, with custom stamp by Ciaran Birch.
“Escape” from abusive family ties is almost a cliche in modern media. In practice, the threshold for self-informed decoupling from said abuse is often socially out of reach for those that have in fact been abused, both physically and/or psychologically.
We feel shame for even entertaining the idea of getting rid of people in our lives that are joined to us by blood. Instead of genuine mutually-assured connection, we feel duty-bound to them – no better than a minimum wage retail job without which we would become homeless. Had these people been anything other than family, we would have ditched them long ago. I encourage a decoupling from the family unit and giving up on any hope you had for improved relations.
This record has been mastered without compression in an attempt to counter the over saturation of three minute, brick-walled, max-energy production trends in contemporary dance music.