ADDAC506 VC Stochastic Function Generator Eurorack Module
Inspired and officially licensed from Teia’s Stochastic Function Generator which was introduced in 2013 but is no longer available. We used the concept of the early version but completely rebuilt and reprogrammed it’s mcu to a fully featured 4 voice 2 stage envelope and slew generator.
This new module + expansion is our take on a different envelope/slew generator. It’s a fully featured Quad Analogue Core Envelope Generator and Slew Processor with digital control which also incorporates built in random generators to control the Rise and Fall times. Covering the full range from short sharp notes to long slow sweeps of up to 6 minutes. Together with the random generators it excels when used for drone soundscapes. Used as a Slew Processor the random generators act as dynamic modulation sources affecting the rise and fall slew speed. Fully featured outputs act as encouragement to self-patching creating interdependent envelopes acting in sync.
Check out the 506B expander