Make Noise Strega
Make Noise Strega Desktop Synth and Complex Delay Unit
Strega is an audio alchemical experiment. Activate! Spill the tonic into time and let time decay through the filter to hear the results.
Strega is an instrument designed in collaboration with Alessandro Cortini. Inspired by Cortini’s music and sonic experimentations, Strega embodies the seen and unseen, the sign and magic, the alchemy of sound.
Strega is able to conjure audio tones, generate control signals, and process external sounds. Patch the 0-COAST or any other line level source into the Strega to unlock new sounds!
This new instrument takes the same form factor as the 0-COAST and 0-CTRL. It was designed to be controlled by the 0-CTRL or the 0-COAST’s MIDI CV B outputs and is equally happy interfacing with Eurorack modules as well.
- Standalone desktop semi-modular synthesizer in 0-Coast/0-CTRL format
- Works entirely standalone, with external controllers, alongside a Eurorack system, or as a processor for external signals
- Designed in close collaboration with Alessandro Cortini
- Reimagines synthesis as a mysterious alchemical process
- Great for drones, melodies, noisy delays, howling textures, and gestural chaos
- Features an intricate normalled signal path, with the option to play either with or without patch cables
- Touchplate interface for momentary signal routing and experimental modulation tactics
- External input section with high-gain preamp and envelope follower
- Internal signal generator/oscillator with Activation and Tones (a waveshaper-esque timbre control great for building heavy drones)
- Internal oscillator tracks 1V/oct for pairing with external controllers or sequencers
- Direct outputs for oscillator’s main wave shapes
- Agitation Function Generator provides LFO and envelope-like behavior, patchable throughout the instrument
- Internal Interference generator allows for chaotic modulation throughout the system
- Time / Filter Experiment: a delay / filter / noise generator that turns any sound into a swirling, murky abyss of distant churning and howling tones
- Time, Absorb, Decay, and Filter controls alter the behavior of the delay line
- CV control for all crucial parameters, including Wet/Dry blend from the Time / Filter Experiment
- Modular-level and line-level/headphone outputs
- Includes patch cable pack, output cable, and universal PSU
- Includes power splitter cable to power Stega and a 0-CTRL or 0-Coast from a single adapter