Club Nowhere EP
Emerging from the undeniable pit of despair that is 2020, LADYMONIX offers up a brand new 4 track EP to lift your spirits and accompany your ever-evolving isolation as we head into an uncertain Fall.
CLUB NOWHERE begins with two meditative grooves that naturally rolled out from LADYMONIX’s attempts to self-sooth during the early stages of lockdown. The confident basslines and swirling pads of the A1 title track and A2 ‘Mood’ make a lush bed for you to curl up on.
Flip over the to the B-side and the underground therapy session continues with a little more signature ‘Monix swing and attitude. ‘Gonna Let’ is one of those joints that creeps up on you and settles into your collection – the kind of track that makes you close your eyes and melt into your own space; future-tripping from your couch about clubbing again in 2021… To conclude, ‘Movin On’ lays out LADYMONIX’s closing statement on the sorry state of global affairs: “I’m gone.” -accepting the new-normal with a knowing musical eye-roll. Coz what else are you gonna do? Change what you can, accept what you can’t, and whatever you do MAKE IT FASHION, HONEY!
Written by TDMF