Purrtronics Resonant Quadruple Lo-Pass Gate
Resonant Quadruple Lo-Pass Gate
Vactrols are back to life in a modern way!
RQLPG is a reinterpretation of the classic west coast circuit in a modern way to offer today’s musicians the thrill of using a sacred monster in the most faithful form of the original.
It contains four independent paths, for four sound sources, that can work as:
- Gate acting on the amplitude of the passing signal, like a voltage controlled amplifier,
- Lowpass attenuating the signal in amplitude and at the same time, eliminating the acute ones.
- – CV OFFSET pot for defining the Level / Gate or Frequency / Lowpass value.
- – RESONANCE pot adjust the amount of Resonance without attenuating the passing signal by phase inversion.
Without audio input it can resonate in self-oscillation if pushed beyond the limit.
We will therefore have a sine controllable in tension and pitchable through the CV OFFSET parameter to make percussive sounds and an indescribably versatile and powerful kick drum.
Inputs and outputs:
Each channel has audio input, output connections and a CV input for control the CV OFFSET pot